This is the third report conducted by retired Magistrate Judge Arlander Keys as a result of a 2015 agreement between the City of Chicago and the ACLU. The agreement followed an ACLU report showing that stop and frisk was used more than four times as often in Chicago as compared to New York City. The ACLU report also demonstrated that people of color were far more likely to be stopped and searched than white Chicago residents.
Period 3 and 4 - Stop and Frisk Report, CY2017
- pdfConsultant's 3rd Report in ACLU Matter 10-17-19.pdf
- pdfRevised Citations List.pdf
- pdfRevised Appendix List.pdf
- pdfExhibit 1 - The Agreement.pdf
- pdfExhibit 2A - Special Order S04-13-09 - June 2016.pdf
- pdfExhibit 2B - Special Order S04-13-09 - July 2017.pdf
- pdfExhibit 3 - ISR Workflow.pdf
- pdfExhibit 4 - BOP #18-0181.pdf
- pdfExhibit 5A - Integrity Section Audit Report.pdf
- pdfExhibit 5B - Integrity Section Audit Report.pdf
- pdfExhibit 6 - Legal Bulletins No. 2012-02 (rev. Feb. 2017).pdf
- pdfExhibit 7A (i) - Department Letter to Men and Women.pdf
- pdfExhibit 7A (ii) - Racial Profiling and Other Biased-Based Policy.pdf
- pdfExhibit 7A (iii) - Positive Outcomes of the New Policy.pdf
- pdfExhibit 7A (iv) - ISR Procedures - Beyond the Intial Traffic Stop.pdf
- pdfExhibit 7B (i) - Power Point Slides.pdf
- pdfExhibit 7B (ii) - Script for Roll-Call.pdf
- pdfExhibit 7C - ISR Training.pdf
- pdfExhibit 7D - Memorandum re-Anti-Defamation League Implicit Bias Training.pdf
- pdfExhibit 8A - ISR Form.pdf
- pdfExhibit 9A - DNR Form.pdf
- pdfExhibit 9B - DNR Form.pdf
- pdfExhibit 10 - Electronic Survey Instrument for Single & Multuple Version ISR Samples.pdf
- pdfExhibit 11 - Letter from City fo Consultant.pdf
- pdfExhibit 12 - COPA Rules and Regulations.pdf