At a time when decisions by the Trump administration so profoundly impact the reproductive health rights of scores of people across this country, the ACLU of Illinois will not give up on ensuring access to comprehensive reproductive health care in our state.

Join us in taking action on an important measure to ensure Illinois remains a place where reproductive health care is protected.

House Bill 40 affirms our state’s commitment to ensuring access to comprehensive reproductive health care, including abortion. Without the protections guaranteed by this bill, Illinois law could revert back to pre-Roe days when abortion was criminalized. Also, this bill ensures that women who depend on Medicaid and State Employee Health Insurance have abortion coverage. A woman must be able to consider all options, regardless of how much money she makes, where she lives, or where she gets her health insurance.

Take action:

Click here to look up your legislators contact information. Give them a call and tell them you would like to schedule an in-person district visit to discuss an important measure that you would like them to support. See the resources section below for materials you can bring with you on your visit.

Click here to make a call to your legislator. We will provide you with language that you can use, but feel free to add your own thoughts and opinions, and to share your story of how this law would impact you personally.

Click here to see if your legislator is on Twitter. If there is a link to their Twitter account, copy their username, and then paste it into this pre-drafted tweet:

I am a constituent of [INSERT LEGISLATOR'S TWITTER USERNAME] who cares about access to reproductive health care. Vote YES on #HB40 to protect #reprorights for ALL in IL!

Click here to see if your legislator is on Facebook. If there is a link to their Facebook account, send the following suggested language as a private message or post it on their timeline. If you want to tag them in a post, you can by typing the “@” symbol and then typing their name.

As a constituent of yours who cares about access to reproductive health care, I urge you to vote YES on HB40 to protect the reproductive rights of ALL in IL!
