Last week, we asked you to contact your state senators to urge their support for House Bill 40, which will ensure that access to abortion is protected in our state. Your advocacy helped push the bill through the senate. We could not have done this without you! Now, we must keep the pressure on Governor Rauner as the bill moves to his desk.
Here are 3 things you can do – right now – to urge Governor Rauner to sign the bill:
- Call his office and tell him why he should support House Bill 40.
- Write to him via email, fax, and snail mail letter.
- Raise your voice on social media. Tweet at him and share this on Facebook.
You may have heard that Governor Rauner stated he plans to veto the bill. We cannot let this happen. Last week, Senator Don Harmon, who supports HB 40, filed a “motion to reconsider.” This is a procedural action that will allow the governor more time to carefully consider the bill and hopefully to reconsider his position. Please let Governor Rauner know how important it is for him to sign this bill.
Thank you for your advocacy. We will keep you posted on this measure.