The ACLU of Illinois today responded to the City of Chicago’s announcement of a security plan for Election night and beyond. The following can be attributed to Colleen K. Connell, Executive Director of the ACLU of Illinois:

“This election season has been extraordinary – marked by millions of Americans waiting for hours to vote early and millions of others voting by mail. Still other Americans have encouraged those waiting to cast their ballot with advocacy, music, dancing and even cookies and pizza. In this difficult time, the American people have come together to fight the pandemic, challenge blatant voter suppression and make their voices heard.
These voices will not fall silent on Tuesday. In the wake of the election, millions Americans will continue to exercise free expression – including some who will gather together in the streets of Chicago. Some will celebrate the election’s outcome; others will communicate their disappointment; and still others will want to articulate their vision of policies that make our neighborhoods and our country better. No matter the message, these are voices of Americans who have a yearning and a right to come together and be heard. 
The City of Chicago recently announced plans for these gatherings after the election. Above all else, any such plan must be based on welcoming all voices on to Chicago’s iconic streets and plazas to share their messages — not on silencing dissent through curfew, restrictions of transportation to and from protests, or policing that harms people. This requirement that government respect the rights of Americans to assemble and speak is embedded in our Constitution, and it is the process for improving our country. 
Let’s count every vote and then celebrate freedom to assemble and to speak!”