The ACLU of Illinois' own Lorie Chaiten recently gave an interview on ReachMD XM Radio, discussing abstinence only sex education, and the damage it does to teen health:

For the past 25 years, the U.S. government has funded abstinence-only sex education in public schools. Still, 47 percent of high school students report having had sexual intercourse and 70 percent are sexually active by age 19. Lorie Chaiten, director of the Reproductive Rights Project for the Roger Baldwin Foundation of the ACLU of Illinois, talks with host Dr. Lauren Streicher about the implications for young people's sexual health when they are denied access to complete and accurate science-based information.

You can hear the podcast at the ReachMD website. You can register your support for the Reproductive Justice and Access Act, which would mandate comprehensive, age-appropriate sexual health education in Illinois schools on our website.