In May, Chicago will host the NATO summit. Many groups are planning to hold rallies and marches in the streets of Chicago during the summit. Observers expect thousands of demonstrators to come, and the City of Chicago has been working hard to prepare.

Defending the Targets of IntoleranceThe ACLU of Illinois is preparing too. We want to be sure that everyone knows about their rights under the First Amendment, and how to protest safely and legally in the City of Chicago. To start, we’ve launched a new mobile website about the rights of demonstrators:, and prepared a document about protesting rights, available for download.

The ACLU of Illinois also hosting events in person and online to answer questions about freedom of expression in Chicago:

    • Know Your Rights Webinar

      Thursday, April 26th, 1:00 PM - 2:30 PM
      RSVP for the event at

    • Know Your Rights Twitter Chat

      Wednesday, May 9th at 1 p.m.
      Follow and participate using the hashtag #kyr.
      If you do not have a twitter account, you will be able to follow at