Comprehensive sexual health education in schools equips students with the tools they need to be safe and to support responsible decision-making about their well-being. We can all agree, sex ed should be more than a conversation about the birds and the bees. Sex ed gives students the information and skills they need to make healthy decisions at every point in their lives, for the rest of their lives. Using this guide, we hope you will learn more about implementation and compliance with the Keeping Youth Safe and Healthy Act. The guide will help answer questions you, your community, or your students might have about KYSHA. 

The ACLU of Illinois provides a range of tailored trainings and curated community conversations – from advocacy basics to specialized issue areas, like sex ed. If after reading through the guide, if you would like an Advocacy team member to join your community, either in person or virtually, to discuss comprehensive sex ed in Illinois and your school please reach out to

Find out more about sex ed in Illinois

Resources from this guide