Abortion and Gender Affirming Care - Lake County State's Attorney Candidate Questionnaire

While Illinois has protected access to reproductive health care and gender-affirming care in our state, policy makers and prosecutors in other states are seeking to extend their bans on this fundamental health care to Illinois. 

Mary Cole

  1. As State’s Attorney, will you commit to policies that ensure that no one should have to face criminal investigation or charge in another state when seeking lawful health care in Illinois, especially abortion care and gender-affirming care? 


Eric Rinehart

  1. As State’s Attorney, will you commit to policies that ensure that no one should have to face criminal investigation or charge in another state when seeking lawful health care in Illinois, especially abortion care and gender-affirming care? 

    RINEHART: Yes. As State’s Attorney I will do everything I can to protect fundamental rights, such as health care, regardless of WHERE that right is exercised. If there is an Illinois resident who needs protection or a resident of another state who needs protection inside Illinois in some way, I will support them and refuse to cooperate with law enforcement officials from anti-choice jurisdictions. There may even be further revisions to the Extradition Statute that I would support.