Protect Youth Access to Health Care Act


HB 5548 ensures that parents are not at risk of being punished or losing their rights when they support their child's access to lawful health care. Take action in support of this bill!

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State Representatives

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Support HB 5548!

States across the country continue to pass dangerous restrictions on needed health care for minors – including laws that can revoke parental custody if a parent supports their child’s access to needed or lifesaving health care. As your constituent, I urge you to support HB 5548 to update protections for the provision of (and access to) lawful health care in Illinois. Specifically the legislation would ensure that Illinois parents are not at risk of being punished or losing their parenting rights when they help their children obtain needed or lifesaving health care – including when a custody dispute crosses state lines.

In the 2023 legislative session, more than 100 bills were introduced in dozens of states targeting health care that is lawful here in Illinois including gender-affirming care and abortion. Health care providers also may face liability when parents disagree about a child’s health care unless there is a clear custody order in place. Illinois should not be forced to follow laws from other states that stand in direct contrast to Illinois public policy.

HB 5548 protects parental rights and decision-making, making clear that Illinois parents will not lose custody of their child for making the decision – in consultation with a physician – to pursue health care. It also allows lawful health care to be considered by the judge under the “best interest of the child” standard.

Support this bill to make sure Illinois law is clear on how our courts address access to lawful health care in the child custody context. Illinois parents should not be at risk of losing custody of their children, and children should not be at risk for losing access to health care protected under Illinois law.


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